In the moments that followed my heart healing, a small ceremonial dance session unfolded. And under the guidance of rapé and Ayahuasca, I knew whatever this work was, I wanted in. Beyond my own transformation, I witnessed people forgive & fall in love with themselves, find their purpose, connect to their passion, and smile so big it filled a maloca. Hapé is traditionally used by blowing fine ground-up powder into the nostrils with sacred instruments. These tools look like pipes that can be carved from bone or wood or be a piece of bamboo or reed.
Reduces Stress And Anxiety
If your friends have similar interests as you, chances are you have atleast a handful that may have tried Kambo before. Reach out to friends who you know have tried Kambo and see if they have any vetted practitioners that they can recommend. If you don’t know anyone personally, sometimes certain events such as psychedelic conferences or alternative healing events can have the type of people who may have done Kambo. Look for people with the characteristic kambo scars exposed on their arms and legs and consider asking them for a referral. It is important that you take it easy for the first 24 hours after receiving Kambo. This is in order to rest and recuperate from this powerful medicine. This will help you feel more energized over time while improving cognitive function among many things known about toxins released.
After administering the medicine to all participants, the ceremony will typically close with a final prayer or chant. Participants are often encouraged to take time for reflection and integration following the ceremony, as the effects of the medicine can continue to be felt for some time afterward. Once the intention has been set, the rapeh is prepared and administered by the practitioner or shaman.
Read more about Reiki healing here.
Spiritual practice: Yoga, meditation or whatever works for you
Although, not required, avoiding anything that will put stress on your liver and adrenals will only enhance your overall experience. During a rapé ceremony, participants typically gather in a sacred space, such as a temple or ceremonial hut.
Please do not drink distilled water or more than the suggested amount of water day of session. If you have an afternoon session, you can have a light breakfast, just make sure it is at least 8 hours before your session time. 60% of the people that reach out to me for work are chronically dehydrated and do not drink enough water a day! Please drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day, depending on your weight.
Focus on more yin/restorative activities such as yoga, stretching, hiking. If you tend to get constipated, start some preventative care in advance of the ceremony, as iboga can cause mild constipation. People serve themselves in spiritual clubs in Tulum, in the car on a long drive, on the go between mind-expanding events in Bali, and in other inappropriate ways and settings. With frequent Rapéh usage, many users may find a slow build-up of toughening Rapéh on the inside of the pipe barrels if not regularly cleaned.